What we can’t wait to see at Digital Summit Detroit 2019
Digital Summit Detroit brings marketers, communicators, and digital strategists to downtown Detroit.

This week, Digital Summit Detroit will bring marketers, communicators, and digital strategists to downtown Detroit. The conference touted as the definitive digital marketing gathering includes a variety of programming, from SEO to email marketing to Dennis Rodman. Yes, really.
In years past, Phire team members have attended keynotes by Chelsea Handler, on her transition from late night to digital platforms, and Scott Dikkers from The Onion, on authenticity. We’ve gained insight on content strategy as essential to SEO, the importance of omni-channel marketing, and predictive analytics.
This year, we’re excited to bring a larger Phire team to the summit, including designers, account strategists, and media team members. Here are some of the themes we’re most looking forward to at the event:
Engaging Gen Z
Generation Z, the post-millennial generation, is a large focus of discussion at this year’s marketing summit. They seem to create new social platforms faster than marketers can keep up, so how do marketers engage Gen Z when they’re always moving on to the next platform? We are interested in hearing Christy Pregont of Movement Strategy take on How Brands Can Follow the YouTuber Imprint and Win Over Gen Z.
Is influencer marketing worth it?
Influencer marketing allows brands to hone in on the super-niche followings of influencers who have built captive and engaged audiences. But are the rising costs of a single Instagram story worth it for brands? Jim Tobin from Ignite Social Media and Michael Salamon from Lousy will discuss influencer marketing’s value for brands, influencers, and marketers.
Data visualization
Presenting data effectively is a challenge that marketers are always trying to solve. How do we present data in a way that’s meaningful to our teams and our clients? Whether it’s shaping data into a story or finding a tool that can make data more engaging, Alan K’necht, of Knechtology Inc., will touch on these important topics with his presentation How to Make Your Data Talk and Sing for You.
Follow along with our team at Digital Summit Detroit at @PhireGroup or #DSDET on Twitter or at Digital Summit Detroit. See you there!